My first for 2012. I could say that I didn't find the time to post something new but I think that would be a lie. Between January and today, I did have time but I guess what was missing was the motivation, and of course the photographs. I felt rusty when I held my camera. I was a mess when it came to ISO, apperture and shutter. Some of these photos were taken using the no-flash auto. But hey, what the heck, I enjoyed every second of the trip. So without further ado, here they are: photos I'd like to share from my recent trip to Davao.

You get a window seat and leave your camera in the bag thinking that you want to rest for the entire duration of the flight. However, sometimes if not most of the times, something gets your attention whenever you take a little peek outside.

On my second day in Davao, we went to the Crocodile Farm/Park. Well, their main attraction is "Pangil" the largest crocodile in the center but they have other animals too. While everyone was watching the show on the juvenile crocodiles, I enjoyed a quiet time with the tigers. Always been a tiger fan. (It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight.)

Another performer in wildlife show was this eagle named "Silver".

On my third day, we were supposed to go swimming at this mountain spring resort but unfortunately it we arrived late and it was already closed. A few minutes of uphill drive away was Eden Park so we decided to go there instead. As you can see from this photo, we did arrive late.

Philippine Eagle. Need I say more? If you know me personally and we're friends in Facebook or Twitter, you may perhaps have noticed that I post something about the Philippine Eagle from time to time. Hope that they would flourish once more. To see a Philippine Eagle was on my bucket list. Seeing 8 was more that I could ask for.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Eagle has landed. Beautiful creatures indeed.

Before reaching the Philippine Eagle Center is the Davao City water district. This is a shot I took when we were about to leave. Yes, not when we were about to enter.

Davao is a coastal city. The photos above were taken at Sea Wall. People go here to usually to jog and get their morning exercises.
Davao is one huge city. I know it has a lot more to offer which is why I'll be back for more. Hope you enjoyed the photos!