I didn't want to end my summer without tasting the ocean. At the last week of May, I decided to go to White Beach, Puerto Galera in Mindoro Oriental with my friends to have my piece of the the summer heat. We scheduled the trip June 5, 2010 hoping that the rainy season has yet to arrive. After all, the news said that the hot season which the country was having would extend by July. We left Manila on a fair morning and arrived at Batangas Port by mid-day. The sun was shining high above. My friend Wawan said, "At least ok yung weather (at least the weather is fine)." I remembered a line from the movie Troy and said it to him. The line was from Prince Hector as they were sailing back to Troy and Paris said it was a good day to sail. Prince Hector's reply was "sometimes, the Gods bless you in the morning and curse you in the afternoon." We both laughed. We arrived at White Beach with the sun still high above the sky and no clouds to cover it. We checked in our things at the resort and went out to take our lunch.
In just a span of an hour or so, the Gods did curse the afternoon. Gray clouds began to multiply and thunders were roaring. It rained and poured. So much for the summer heat and my plans for sunset shoots. Nevertheless, this is the beauty when we are in the company of our friends. You could be stuck in the most inconvenient situations and still manage to laugh and have fun. Although the "hot" summer trip didn't turn out as planned, we made each moment count. A chat by the beach with friends, drinking shakes or sodas - these are the important recipes for a relaxing weekend.

How to get there:
Manila-Batangas Port
Bus Ride (Buendia-Taft Station, P166.50)
Batangas Port - White Beach
Boat Ride (P250.00)
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